Custom icons per window class/name patch

Harold L Hunt II
Sat May 24 12:35:00 GMT 2003

Colin and Earle,

Actually, I don't see anywhere in the code where xwin.ini is referenced. 
  Is it even used?  I am assuming that it isn't since the whole point of 
this patch is to do away with a config file and separate icons for X 
apps running on Windows.


Colin Harrison wrote:
> Hi Earle,
> Just tried your patch.
> Works fine on xeyes, xcalc etc but banged (Dr Watson and all that jazz) on
> ethereal (a gtk application).
> I put the .ini file in c:\windows, but I assume it can go anywhere in the
> %PATH%?
> I'll have a play a bit more later and come back with some better results and
> trace!
> Colin

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