Custom icons per window class/name patch

Earle F. Philhower III
Wed May 28 05:13:00 GMT 2003

Howdy Colin,
At 10:52 PM 5/27/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>I've noticed that KDE icons have problems in their transparent
>backgrounds(e.g. konqueror). I suspect that the colour mask (xor)
>algorithm's from Earle may have a minor weakness with some pixmap sources
>(png's or KDE types?). I'm no expert in bit mangling graphics formats, and
>Earl's algorithms look tricky to me, so I'll put my hands up here.

They're pretty standard and unoptimized, but since they are only called a very
few times during a heavy-weight process, and for 32x32 images it's not a big
deal.  It just steps over the destination image, figures out which pixel in the
source image that pixel maps to, and then does any color space conversions.
A nicer way would be to promote all images to 32 bits and then do some 2d
bilinear filtering. 8)  It's sure nice to have a 1BOPS machine for under 1K$.

>Mind you, the icon handling is pretty impressive as it stands!
>I'll try and capture hicons/CreateBitmap data that goes wrong (I'm
>displaying 16 bit 1280x1024 incase this is device dependent?)

Can you try again at 32bpp and see if things are munged?  I didn't notice
any problems with the quickie konqueror runs I did (over a 56k modem, you
don't wanna do a long konqueror remote run, trust me) at 32bpp with the
16x16 icons.  That would narrow down where to look by a lot.

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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