Few minor issues

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Thu May 29 05:30:00 GMT 2003

Howdy Biju, Harold:

At 12:03 AM 5/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Biju wrote:
>>I dont know whether others noticed these.
>>After we start XWin.exe the mouse pointer will automatically move to 
>>center of screen.
>>This is OK for normal mode, -nodecoration and -fullscreen. But I think 
>>its not needed in -multiwindow and -rootless modes.
>I looked for the code that does this (it is general X code, not 
>Cygwin/XFree86-specific code) the last time that someone brought this up 
>(wasn't it you?).  I could not find the code and I won't be looking for it 
>again.  Someone else can do the searching of the source code tree under 
>xc/programs/Xserver to try to find it.  It is most likely in 
>xc/programs/Xserver/hw/os or xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dix, but I couldn't 
>find it in either of those directories.

Well, you could always throw out the 1st cursor positioning call since it 
is guaranteed
to be from the X server itself and not an application.  That way you do not 
have to modify
any of the standard X server code, just the xwin/ directory files...

>>...To hide from taskbar we may be able to use WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW flag for 
>>EXSTYLE attribute.
>>I am attaching an example for this.
>>Hiding from the taskbar?  It isn't shown on my taskbar.  I am using 
>>Windows XP... what version are you using?

It doesn't show up under W2K either.

>I also noticed that an already existing exit dialog was not being brought 
>to the foreground when the user performed another action that would 
>display the dialog.  The result was that the dialog box seemed to be lost 
>and it seemed that you couldn't exit Cygwin/XFree86.  I changed this to 
>call SetForegroundWindow () for the dialog box when it already 
>exists.  This brings it to the top in response to such user-generated events.
>Any ideas on how to get rid of the Maximize button on the dialog?  I can 
>do it by removing the WS_SYSMENU style... should we be using WS_SYSMENU or 
>not?  Not using WS_SYSMENU cause our icon to not be displayed on the 
>upper-left hand corner, but I can't seem to find a flag that says "no 
>maximize button".

This is just stylistic on my part, but why not just use a MessageBox?  Other
apps use one with MB_APPLMODAL when you're about to exit from them...

Here's what you need to do to get your exit dialog without the max/min buttons
   /* Create dialog box */
   g_hDlgExit = CreateDialogParam (g_hInstance, ...

+  SetWindowLong( g_hDlgExit, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(g_hDlgExit, 
+  SetWindowLong( g_hDlgExit, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(g_hDlgExit, 
+  SetWindowPos( g_hDlgExit, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 

   /* Show the dialog box */
   ShowWindow (g_hDlgExit, SW_SHOW);

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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