xmodmap has no effect on mouse buttons

Takuma Murakami murakami@ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mon Nov 3 05:41:00 GMT 2003


> I think you have a good point there.  I thought I tried to disable the 
> definition of XFree86Server when building XWin.exe... maybe I didn't try 
> hard enough, or maybe that never made it into XFree86's CVS.  Hmm... or 
> maybe I actually had to enable XFree86Server... I just don't remember.

The ChangeLog for Release 62
and the comment in the line 215 in xc/config/cf/cygwin.cf
mention XFree86Server symbol.  They wanted to remove the
symbol but failed, as I read.

I removed "-DXFree86Server" from XWinServerDefines in
the cygwin.cf and compiled but got many errors.

Instead, when I disabled XINPUT extension I could compile
XWin.exe which fixes the mouse button problem.  To do so
I just change the definition of BuildXInputExt in the
cygwin.cf from YES to NO.  Does it help?

> In any case, somebody should do a build that doesn't have XFree86Server 
> defined and see if it fixes the problem.

Removing XFree86Server seems quite hard for me.

Takuma Murakami (murakami@ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

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