cygwin.rules - Enabling shared libXt finally?

Ralf Habacker
Tue Oct 21 07:43:00 GMT 2003


>It looks like you got it nailed to me. I am testing a build right now.
I have too additional notes to this patch.

1. Because _Xtinherit is exported as a data symbol, immediate calls to this
function in the manner


will be relocated wrongly and should be avoided ( I have seen this, but does
not know currently why this happens).

A workaround in case this is absolutly required is to use the following

void (*func)(void);

func _blah_blah = XtInherit;


2. In the patch there is a symbol named "_y". This should be renamed to a
name, which couldn't be used by regular functions for example
_$Xtinherit_ref or so. The '$' isn't a valid c function name.


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