Xfree86 is slow! with software like MATLAB

Mark Jones mark.jones2224@verizon.net
Thu Sep 25 02:21:00 GMT 2003

At 10:17 PM 9/24/2003, Mark Jones wrote:
>I have tried using XFree86 (linux and cygwin) for Cygwin's XFree86 and 
>Linux's XFree86 and have found it to be extremely slow at refreshing the 
>screen making it nearly impossible to use MATLAB's editor 
>reasonably.  However, using a MS Windows emulator like Xoftware or 
>Hummingbird's Exceed provides extremely fast response such that it is 
>useable with various programs including MATLAB.  Is there a valid reason 
>for this?  Is it being addressed?

Also, I am speaking strictly about remote display, not about MATLAB with 
XFree86 on a local Linux box.  Sitting at a Linux XFree86 box it is plenty 
fast, but remotely it is not fast at all, which makes me wonder why.


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