Xfree86 is slow! with software like MATLAB

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Thu Sep 25 02:31:00 GMT 2003


Mark Jones wrote:

> At 10:17 PM 9/24/2003, Mark Jones wrote:
>> I have tried using XFree86 (linux and cygwin) for Cygwin's XFree86 and 
>> Linux's XFree86 and have found it to be extremely slow at refreshing 
>> the screen making it nearly impossible to use MATLAB's editor 
>> reasonably.  However, using a MS Windows emulator like Xoftware or 
>> Hummingbird's Exceed provides extremely fast response such that it is 
>> useable with various programs including MATLAB.  Is there a valid 
>> reason for this?  Is it being addressed?
> Also, I am speaking strictly about remote display, not about MATLAB with 
> XFree86 on a local Linux box.  Sitting at a Linux XFree86 box it is 
> plenty fast, but remotely it is not fast at all, which makes me wonder why.

That is an interesting clarification that you made... it really confuses 
your original question quite nicely.

MATLAB isn't available as an X app on top of Windows, so you obviously 
must be running it remotely.  In addition, XFree86 for Linux and 
Cygwin/XFree86 are completely unrelated as far as performance is concerned.

Are you still also saying that the same remote app (MATLAB) displays 
more quickly using Exceed than it does with Cygwin/XFree86?  If so, then 
my original reply (which you didn't have yet when you wrote your first 
reply) still applies.


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