Failure to make grap 1.30 under cygwin 1.5.5

Christopher Faylor
Fri Sep 26 00:46:00 GMT 2003

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 05:22:10PM -0400, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 08:58:23AM -0400, Harold L Hunt II wrote: Just
>>so it's clear: I don't care to get involved in fixing issues where the
>>bug report is "something is horribly wrong with it", either, so if you
>>do actually want to work on fixing it, then I'll need more to go on
>>than I have been given and I'll need some hint of cooperation rather
>>than attitude.  But, of course, that's a good lesson for life anyway.
>Just so it is clear: I wasn't asking for anyone to get involved.

"Getting involved" is what a package owner is supposed to do.  Why do
you get involved when someone says Cygwin/XFree86 is broken?  No one
is specifically asking you to get involved.

>I saw your initial defensive remark to Earle saying that the new
>version of flex wasn't working for him

You have entirely misread my response.  Earle made a confusing statement
about what he did to rectify a problem.  I replied, indicating that his
stated version numbers made no sense if what he said was true.

For the record, I upgraded flex because someone was complaining that it
was older than the latest release.  So I upgraded it for them.  I ran
the test suite prior to releasing it.



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