XWin glitch: alt-tab menu

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sat Apr 10 04:49:00 GMT 2004


Keith Thompson wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 07:33:18PM -0700, Keith Thompson wrote:
>>When I run the XWin server on Windows XP, its icon is always the first
>>in the alt-tab menu that's used to switch between Windows applications.
>>To go back to XWin, I have to either use alt-shift-tab or cycle through
>>the entire menu.  I've never seen another Windows application that
>>does this.
> As Harold L Hunt II quite correctly pointed out, I didn't provide enough
> information.  I'll now provide too much.  8-)}
> My system is an IBM Thinkpad T40 running Windows XP Pro with the latest
> updates.  (I think I've seem the same symptom on my Windows 2000 system
> at home, but I can't confirm that at the moment.)
> I've installed the latest updates for Cygwin, including xorg-x11-xwin
> version

Hmm... this is suspicious, you claim but your log file states  It could be my mistake, but you might also need to reboot to 
allow XWin.exe to be upgraded if it was being used when setup.exe was 
being run.

> I start the XWin server from a Cygwin bash shell, using the following
> command:
>     /usr/X11R6/bin/XWin.exe -fullscreen -emulate3buttons &
> And something that I hadn't noticed before: XWin.exe produces a bunch
> of output on stderr (the last three lines show up when I terminate it):

The output on stderr is a feature not a bug.  Just redirect the output 
to /dev/null if you don't need it (e.g. XWin > /dev/null 2>&1).

Can I ask if you have a good reason for using fullscreen?  I would think 
you might be more interested in -multiwindow (internal window manager), 
-rootless (needs an external window manager, but doesn't show root 
window), or -nodecoration (needs external window manager, does show root 
window but without window titlebar and border).  I'm asking because 
almost no one uses -fullscreen anymore and I think that the problem you 
are reporting is peculiar to -fullscreen.

We use two different routines to create our top-level window: one for 
fullscreen and one for all other modes.  The fullscreen procedure sets 
the WS_EX_TOPMOST extended style for our top-level window.  I'm not sure 
if this is required, it has been a long time since I wrote that code... 
and changing it might re-introduce bugs that were fixed by specifying 
that style.  But, I think I'll take a short look at it.

Until then, try the other modes and report if you have started using one 
of them instead.


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