xwin -multiwindow bug [ver 1.5.10(0.116/4/2)?]

Ariel Millennium Thornton arielmt@thornton2.com
Wed Aug 11 19:21:00 GMT 2004

Hello.  I think I have found a bug in Cygwin/X.

When running xwin.exe with the -multiwindow switch (to use winxp's gdi
as X's wm), the X-managed regions of the screen do some rather strange

When the root window is shown, all of the X windows behave as they
should, with the root window having the proper dimensions and offset
from the upper-left corner of the screen.  However, when the root window
is hidden, X refuses to draw any regions of any window it thinks are
outside the bounds of the root window, drawing white blocks instead.

The bug is that when the root window is hidden, X thinks that the offset
of the root window is (0,0), flush with the upper-left corner of the
screen, regardless of what the desktop bounds (the extent of maximized
windows) really are.

This behavior doesn't manifest itself on factory-installed Windows XP
systems, but it does manifest when the system is customized, especially
if the taskbar is moved to other edges of the screen, or when another
shell (such as LiteStep) is used in lieu of the default Internet
Explorer/Windows Explorer shell.

If this can be fixed by changing some settings, I can't find what they
are.  I would take RTFM as an answer, except TFM is silent on this

Thanks in advance, for any help anyone can offer.


"The most humbling achievement of the past millennium, I believe, is the
evolution of the simplest form of communication: the written letter.
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-Ariel Millennium Thornton, Spokesman and Mascot, Thornton 2 Productions

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