xwin -multiwindow bug [ver 1.5.10(0.116/4/2)?]

Alexander Gottwald alexander.gottwald@s1999.tu-chemnitz.de
Tue Aug 24 14:06:00 GMT 2004

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Ariel Millennium Thornton wrote:

> Hello.  I think I have found a bug in Cygwin/X.
> When running xwin.exe with the -multiwindow switch (to use winxp's gdi
> as X's wm), the X-managed regions of the screen do some rather strange
> things.
> When the root window is shown, all of the X windows behave as they
> should, with the root window having the proper dimensions and offset
> from the upper-left corner of the screen.  However, when the root window
> is hidden, X refuses to draw any regions of any window it thinks are
> outside the bounds of the root window, drawing white blocks instead.
> The bug is that when the root window is hidden, X thinks that the offset
> of the root window is (0,0), flush with the upper-left corner of the
> screen, regardless of what the desktop bounds (the extent of maximized
> windows) really are.
> This behavior doesn't manifest itself on factory-installed Windows XP
> systems, but it does manifest when the system is customized, especially
> if the taskbar is moved to other edges of the screen, or when another
> shell (such as LiteStep) is used in lieu of the default Internet
> Explorer/Windows Explorer shell.

I've not used LiteStep before. XWin queries the system about the screen size 
and the size and location of the task bar. 

You can check the logfile /tmp/XWin.log and it should print a line with 
the visual size (maybe you have to specify -logverbose  3 or higher to see 
this line). you can specify the size itself with the -screen
parameter (eg -screen 0 800x600) 

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

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