how to get rid of running xterm after a remote x application start ?

Volker Quetschke
Thu Aug 19 17:32:00 GMT 2004

> appology if this is not the right place to ask my question.

Well, strictly speaking it is a common *nix question, but as it
points out a problem I usually have I'll give a partial answer.

After looging in to your server try:
$ nohup xclock &

(Use your application instead of xclock ;) ) You will see the
application coming up and you can try to exit your ssh shell now.

This works as desired, but my problem is that exiting ssh with
"exit" never finishes. I have to kill the windows rxvt window.
(I usually use rxvt, I don't know if it would work with ssh from
bash started in cmd.exe)


> I am using cygwin/x to connect to a remote ssh enabled X server. 
> this script asks user for remote x server name and user name and invoke the `ssh -X` command with
> all the info provided. This script starts whenever user runs a xterm. a remote x application opens
> after the script run. however, I can't close the local xterm or all the remote x applications will
> exit along with it.
> Now my question is, how do i get rid of the local xterm window(exit/minimize)? or is there a
> decent way to do the whole thing?
> thanks!
> Qiang
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