how to get rid of running xterm after a remote x application start ?

Christopher Faylor
Thu Aug 19 19:15:00 GMT 2004

On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 10:31:49AM -0700, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>apology if this is not the right place to ask my question.
>Well, strictly speaking it is a common *nix question, but as it points
>out a problem I usually have I'll give a partial answer.
>After looging in to your server try:
>$ nohup xclock &
>(Use your application instead of xclock ;) ) You will see the
>application coming up and you can try to exit your ssh shell now.
>This works as desired, but my problem is that exiting ssh with "exit"
>never finishes.  I have to kill the windows rxvt window.  (I usually
>use rxvt, I don't know if it would work with ssh from bash started in

Try using 'setsid xclock' instead.

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