Running XWin.exe and hideing the "status" window

Esben Laursen
Fri Dec 31 13:05:00 GMT 2004

Hello list..

I have created a little frontend that uses the Cygwin/XFree packages to
connect via, XDMCP or X11 to my Linux box. It works pretty okay, and
recently I upgraded the Xwin.exe to version, but now I have a
annoying "status window" popping up where all the info and stuff about the
things it loads. It dosen't disapear when the X server is done loading.

How can I hide that window?

Here is the command line I use to connect..

C:\Programmer\LinuxTSC\usr\X11R6\bin\XWin2.exe :0 -query -screen 0 1024 768

Hope you experts can help :-)



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