X11 Selections

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Jan 4 07:47:00 GMT 2004

I have followed through on the idea that Alexander and I were working on.

I am trapping the SetSelectionOwner call within the server and I am 
using it, together with monitoring the Windows clipboard chain, to 
determine when to copy data from which clipboard.  There are still some 
bugs in this code, but I think I can work through them tomorrow and 
release the new code.

However, working on this reminded me that we really had two problems 
that we wanted to solve:

1) Stop stealing the selection ownership as a means to tell when the 
clipboard has changed within X.

2) Don't require an X Client connection and try to remove the dependency 
on Xlib.

The new code solves problem #1, but it does nothing for #2, since we 
still need an X Client connection to receive the contents of the 
selection and we still need Xlib to convert the selection into the 
desired format.  I am not sure how long it will take us to remove these 
two dependencies, so I am going to release the solution to problem #1 in 
the mean time.  I am not sure that we will ever deem it worth the time 
and effort to solve problem #2.


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