Configuration for multiple monitors

Jack Tanner
Fri Jan 9 18:59:00 GMT 2004

Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> perhaps the below should *always* be TRUE and there shouldn't be 
> an option at all?

No, I'd like -nomultiplemonitors to exist.

I have two monitors, but the second is usually turned off. Various X 
client dialog boxes and application windows usually come up in the 
center of my desktop, which means half on one monitor, and half on the 
other. If that weren't annoying enough, it makes life sheer hell when 
one monitor is turned off!

This is why I do not use -multiplemonitors, even though I /have/ 
multiple monitors. Even when both monitors are turned on, it's plenty to 
have one for X apps, and another for regular Windows apps.

Granted, the real solution to this issue would be to play nice with 
nVidia's nView software. It offers these modes for dual-monitor work 
(the following is copied verbatim from nView on-line help; the mode I 
use is Dualview, which I believe is nVidia's default):

Single Display. Only one of your connected displays is used.

Clone. Both displays in the display pair show images of the same desktop.

Horizontal Span. Both displays in the display pair behave as one wide 
virtual desktop. The width of each display is half the width of the 
total virtual desktop width.

Vertical Span. Both displays in the display pair behave as one tall 
virtual desktop. The height of each display is half the heiht of the 
total virtual desktop height.

Dualview. Both displays in the display pair behave as one virtual 
desktop. Unlike Horizontal or Vertical Spanning mode, Dualview treats 
ach display as a separate device. This means that the task bar will not 
be stretched across displays and 3D applications are not accelerated as 
efficiently if the application Spans displays.


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