XWIN problem

kelly quintero kjquintero64@yahoo.com
Wed Jan 28 14:32:00 GMT 2004

Hi everyone, I've been working with cygwin but i had
some trouble using the xwin option. There is an
specific laptop computer which doesn't want to connect
with XDMCP, i have tried in others and I know it
really works. When i use this command it shows an
error in Xwin.log. 

This is the command: 
xwin :0 -query sie 

This is the error: 
Fatal server error: XDMCP fatal error: Session failed
Session 129568516 failed for display Cannot
open display 
winDeinitClipboard - Noting shutdown in progress
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress 

The laptop is a Dell computer with 512 RAM and
Processor of 1400 Mhz. It has an XSVGA screen. I think
it is a compurter problem but i really need how to
solve this error. I already have tried the startx
option and then using telnet to connect but it still
shows problems with the DISPLAY variable.... I
appreciate any help.....Thanks...

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