Minor progress on Windows clipboard deadlock

Jeremy Tan jetset@openface.ca
Tue Mar 2 16:05:00 GMT 2004

Ed Avis writes:
> Yes, I am using XP and two monitors, and I was pasting from the X
> server displayed on one monitor to an app displayed in the other.  I
> think.
> I have not tested that the deadlock does not occur when not using two
> monitors.

The deadlock occurs for me on one monitor.  One thing I notice just
before it usually happens is that I usually select something in an
xterm but before I paste that first crash into a Windows app, that
xterm will get more input and the selection disappears, as usually
happens.  Might that have something to do with it?  Sorry I can't
contribute more at the moment but I'm really busy with work.

BTW running Win2K and xserv 44.


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