X/Cygwin icon proposal

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Sat Mar 13 08:30:00 GMT 2004

Hi Harold,

Attached please find a patch against that:
. Adds "TRAYICON <iconidentifier>" to the .xwinrc file parser which lets you,
   surprisingly enough, change the tray icon
. Adds "file.dll,XX" parsing to the icon loader to support grabbing icons
   from inside DLL or EXEs
. Adds ",XX" parsing to the icon loader to support loading icons that are
   stored in the XWin.exe RC file (today there's only one, but I think folks
   are thinking of having multiple at some point in the near future)
. Adds handling of the "TaskbarCreated" Windows message which lets you re-add
   the taskbar icon when the main explorer starts.  Otherwise if explorer dies
   and is restarted for some reason, you'd lose the X taskbar icon until you
   exited all your X apps and restarted XWin.
. Fixes the icon loader to not append the ICONDIRECTORY to icons that are
   fully specified w/a drive letter (i.e. c:\blahblah)

[These below I'm not sure if the CVS -r cygwin tree is known funky or what...]
. WINMSG.H:  Comments out the redeclaration of the MessageType enum.
   I couldn't find anything in the change logs about using a modifies OS.H
   (where MessageType is originally defined and included prior to this header).
   and other region macros, but isn't a local variable in two functions in
   these files (in winwindow there was a "#if 0" around the variable defintion,
   and in multiwindowshape it was not there at all?!...)

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel
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