Updated: XFree86-[base,xserv]

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Wed Mar 17 19:07:00 GMT 2004


Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
> Hi Danilo,
>>Subject: Re: Updated: XFree86-[base,xserv]
>>>1) xserv - Cascade Win32 windows when -geometry is
>>>not specified, using CW_USEDEFAULT, instead of always creating at
>>>X(0,0).  (Earle F. Philhower III)
>>Now all the "secondary windows" (I don't know how they are called) of an 
>>application are opened following that criterium, also menus!!!.
>>For example try to open xterm and to display its menus with Ctrl+mouse 
>>button: they open in a cascade fashion (difficult to explain, you must try).
> OK, I feel really stupid now.  I did test this locally but not with xterm
> menus. I do most of my work in emacs, which seems OK, so didn't notice...
> There's a transient property on the window that should be examined
> before cascading it, I'll either back out the change or add the transient
> property check tonight.

While you are at it, would you mind looking at what happens in emacs 
when you have set the "Always On Top" flag for a window?  The menus in 
that case briefly popup, then get stuck behind the main emacs window. 
If you hold the mouse button down and drags it around between a few 
menus you can eventually get them to stick on top... sounds like all 
child windows of an "Always On Top" window should also have that flag 
set.  I don't know if that is easy or hard to solve though.


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