Updated: XFree86-[base,xserv]

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Thu Mar 18 07:19:00 GMT 2004

It's bad form to talk to yourself, but...

At 06:19 PM 3/17/2004 +0000, Earle wrote:
>OK, I feel really stupid now.  I did test this locally but not with xterm
>menus. I do most of my work in emacs, which seems OK, so didn't notice...
>There's a transient property on the window that should be examined
>before cascading it, I'll either back out the change or add the transient
>property check tonight.

I've got the fix ready, but it seems freedesktop.org is down (www & cvs
both) tonight.  I'll try again tomorrow morning, but it turned out to be
that we have to check for 3 things @ line ~482 of winmultiwindowwindow.c:
1. Not predefined in hints (preplaced w/-geometry or by the app)
2. No WM_TRANSIENT_FOR ATOM attached (for things like splash screens)
3. No pWin->overrideRedirect (undecorated)

Adding those 3 changes makes everything back to hunkey-dorey in emacs,
xterm, xfig, xfontsel, and xemacs.  The main app window is cascaded
but menus aren't touched.

Harold, I'll look at the always-on-top stuff once these are checked in...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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