XWin 4.3.0-50 crashes with -multiwindow (ping Earle)

Earle F. Philhower III earle@ziplabel.com
Fri Mar 26 05:33:00 GMT 2004

Howdy Fabrizio,

At 09:34 AM 3/25/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>I tried version 4.3.0-60 and it worked without crashing in 24bpp mode. There
>is a minor glitch left: in 24bpp mode, the icon at the upper left corner
>has wrong colours, while the colours are right in 16bpp mode. I'm sending
>you PNG files to show what's happening.

That's an easy fix, what's going on is we're still assuming packed format
in the X icon crawling, but it's really got 1/4 of the bytes unused
(32bits per pixel, not 24bpp => the whole cause of the crash in the
first place!).

We crawl over each line of the X icon with x=x+(effXbpp/8).
We should be doing something like x=x+(BytesPerPixel(ximage)) or
make effxbpp=32 when xbpp=24...

I'll look at it tonite unless Harold has beaten me to it again!

-Earle F. Philhower, III
  cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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