X11/Xlib.h missing

Christopher Faylor cgf-no-personal-reply-please@cygwin.com
Fri Nov 12 22:29:00 GMT 2004

On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 12:19:12AM +0200, Jani Tiainen wrote:
>Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>>On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Jani Tiainen wrote:
>>>Alexander Gottwald wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Jani Tiainen wrote:
>>>>>Alexander Gottwald wrote:
>>>>>>Please send the output of cygcheck -c and /var/log/setup.log (maybe 
>>>>>>part from the most recent install) as attachment.
>>>>>>	ago
>>>>>Excerpt from last run. You can clearly see that it really does (or at
>>>>>least tries to do) something to package but... nothing happens.
>>>>Hm... The cygcheck output reports xorg-x11-devel is installed and ok
>>>>(no files are missing). Are files installed in /usr/X11R6/include/X11?
>>>No they are not, which is strange. Where those files disappeared..?
>>Setup's output shows no files written to disk.  Is the package corrupted?
>>Did you try another mirror?
>Package is not corrupted (unless 7zip and MD5 sums are fucked up)... 
>Interesting enough I just did "reinstall" and guess what - it installed.
>Mystical, very mystical. Might be something to do with autum storms we 
>had here in Finland today.. =)

Or, maybe (and I'm just guessing here)...  It might have had something
to do with what I said when I responded to your email an hour-and-a-half
before this message from Igor "I immediately respond to every message
without checking for any other responses" Pechtchanski.

To quote:

*** I repackaged some of the X .tar.bz2 yesterday to potentially work around
*** a problem installing.  The options that I used to tar confused setup.exe
*** into thinking that the packages were empty.
*** So, this is consistent with the symptoms of trying to install one of
*** those packages.  This should be rectified soon as the new versions of
*** the tar files make it out to all of the mirrors.
*** So, the solution is "try again".

So, this isn't very mysterious at all.


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