
Sven Geier
Thu Sep 2 19:32:00 GMT 2004

| First off, questions regarding Cygwin and X11 should go to the
| cygwin-xfree list.  Please move further discussions onto that list.  I'm
| directing this reply there as well, and setting Reply-To: appropriately.

First off, sorry for that. In my defense I can only say that I wasn't
really sure that this was an X-related problem, as the X-server works
just fine and gv opened just fine -- it was just that gs didn't know
about the x11-device. But I promise to have a little more forethought
about these things in the future. Really.

| Secondly, this is a common problem.  Simply install the "ghostscript-x11"
| package.

Ahh... I knew there had to be some incredibly simple thing that I had
overlooked. Thanks, that was probably exactly what I was looking for.

(Interesting - it hadn't occured to me that "ghostscript" could mean
"not-X" by default. Clearly I need to )

Thanks again...

-- S

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