ghostscript weirdness

sven geier
Fri Sep 3 05:11:00 GMT 2004

Heya all. 

I had sent (to the main list) yesterday the following problem

} This may be a stupid-newbie-mistake or something, but I installed
} ghostscript and gv and when I type at the prompt
} % gv /path/to/some/ps/document
} gv comes up fine, then gives me an error alert-box that
} says "Unknown device: x11"
} Indeed, x11 does not seem to be one of the devices known to gs:
} %gs
} GNU Ghostscript 7.05 (2002-04-22)
} Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
} This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
} GS>devicenames 
} GS<1>==
} [/jpeggray /pjxl300 /psgray /ljet3d /pksm /bmpsep8 /pbmraw /bbox
} /bjc800 /pnggray /cdjcolor /tifflzw /djet500 /pnmraw /pcx16 /pdfwrite
} /uniprint /psrgb /ljet4 /pksmraw /bmp16 /pgm /cljet5 /faxg3 /png16
} /cdjmono /tiffpack /laserjet /ppm /pcx256 /pswrite /ijs /bit /ljet4d
} /tiffcrle /bmp256 /pgmraw /cljet5c /faxg32d /png256 /cdj550 /tiff12nc
} /ljetplus /ppmraw /bmpmono /pcx24b /epswrite /bj10e /bitrgb /lj5mono
} /tiffg3 /bmp16m /pgnm /nullpage /faxg4 /png16m /pj /tiff24nc /ljet2p /
} pkm /bmpgray /pcxcmyk /pxlmono /bj200 /bitcmyk /lj5gray /tiffg32d
} /bmp32b /pgnmraw /pcxmono /jpeg /pjxl /psmono /ljet3 /pkmraw /bmpsep1
} /pbm /pxlcolor /bjc600 /pngmono /cdeskjet /tiffg4 /deskjet /pnm
} /pcxgray]
} so how is gv supposed to work? I can't be the first one to note this and I'm
} sure there's something incredibly simple I have to do here somewhere but...
} [scratches head]

To this, Igor replied the following:

} First off, questions regarding Cygwin and X11 should go to the
} cygwin-xfree list.  Please move further discussions onto that list.  I'm
} directing this reply there as well, and setting Reply-To: appropriately.
} Secondly, this is a common problem.  Simply install the "ghostscript-x11"
} package.
}	Igor

Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the problem. As it turns out, I already have 
ghostscript, ghostscript-base and ghostscript-x11 (and gv). I even reinstalled 
ghostscript-x11 but still no luck: gv comes up just fine, I can click on 
the "open" button but when I select a postscript file I get the same "Unknown 
Device: x11" error message. Starting gs by hand and entering "Devicenames ==" 
still yields the same list that does indeed not contain the "x11" device.

I'm puzzled...

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