Installing Grace package

Volker Quetschke
Mon Sep 20 22:28:00 GMT 2004

Hi Andrey,

> I have installed Cygwin/X, INCLUDING grace package to set up a Windows 
> Workstation to do molecular modeling & analysis.
> Cygwin bash shell and XWin.exe are working. For example, I can create a 
> screen by typing in BASH txt 'console' xwin.exe -screens 0 600 600.
> However when I enter xmgrace, am getting ERROR message "Can't open 
> display - Failed initializing GUI, exiting".
Yes, because you have to tell grace, like every other X program,
which display to use.

$ export DISPLAY=:0

and then start xmgrace.

> Do I need to get "12 mandatory files" (apparently only 11 for Cygwin) 
> from Xfree86 and run installation using sh xinstall OR
> this will be redundant/conflicting/overlapping to/with what was done by 
> installation of xorg-x11-base & other xorg- packages from
> Before I have tried a commercial X Server (XVision Eclipse) installed 
> after Cygwin w grace, but ERROR persisted.
I have no clue what you are talking about, but I can confirm that grace
works fine with a commercial X Server (I sometimes use XWin32) for me.
But you have to have lesstif and some other libraries, and that means
install what setup proposes for you when you select grace.

> Is ERROR related to a possibility that "something" related to TCP/IP is 
> "taking"/"redirecting" ? I can try to repeat all 
> installations on another, Windows 2000 Pro PC Workstation, which has 
> never 'seen' any network, Internet, and thus firewalls, etc sources of 
> crap.
> What is 'the best' way to do so ? Just to repeat a Local Installation of 
> Cygwin/X including grace from downloaded packages ? OR to install first 
> a commercial X Server - then what Cygwin packages besides grace ? I 
> prefer not to deal with source codes and compilations, in a hope that 
> binaries should work.
> Any other way around ? I found a compact, 'Evgeny's' compilation of 
> grace with all required dlls and other files, including .bat. My 
> understanding is that it may work if I have just an X Server running 
> (and I can have TCP/IP protocol on a standard Windows 2000 Dell 
> Precision, without connecting to any 'private networks' etc sources of 
> kaka possibly conflicting with the display address - 
> right?), but am not sure I have done everything right with .bat to 
> configure the system properly. I don't understand what Evgeny's "stack 
> running" means. Can anyone redirect me to "Evgeny".

> SOS...


( grace package maintainer for cygwin)

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