not sure whats wrong

Rodrigo Medina
Sat Apr 23 06:00:00 GMT 2005

 Mark Blaskovich  wrote:
>_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
>winCheckDisplayNumber - Cygwin/X is already running on display 0
>Fatal server error:
>InitOutput - Duplicate invocation on display number: 0.  Exiting.

XWin writes a lock file in /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
XWin is aborted if the file already exists, so you do not get 2 X-servers
If XWin ends properly it deletes the file X0, but if for some reason
the XWin process is aborted or if the user is not allowed to delete the
file, the lock file remains preventing a new XWin process to start. Cure:
delete the X0 file. Be sure that every user can read and write in /tmp.
In my W98 box I put the following lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT, to be sure that
any remaining X0 is delete when the machine starts.

rem -- Clean Xserver
if exist C:\cygwin\tmp\X11-UN~1\X0 attrib -A -S C:\cygwin\tmp\X11-UN~1\X0
if exist C:\cygwin\tmp\X11-UN~1\X0 del C:\cygwin\tmp\X11-UN~1\X0

hope that this can be useful,

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