openGL problem in cygwin-xfree?

Gene C. Ruzicka
Sat Jan 1 09:24:00 GMT 2005

> First, I hope I've directed this question to the correct
> mailing list: I'm not sure if it's pertinent to this list
> or to the cygwin list.
> I frequently use cygwin-xfree to log onto external
> host machines, usually Solaris or SGI-based. 
> This environment worked quite well for me
> until recently, when I updated my Cygwin
> installation. Ever since then, it appears, that none
> of the openGL applications running on the host 
> machine have been able to access openGL in the 
> cygwin-xfree server.  For example, here is the
> error message I get from an application based on
> TCL/TK scripting, which interfaces with openGL
> using the togl package:
> Togl: couldn't get visual while executing 
> "togl $dw -width $wwidth -height $wheight -rgba true -double true
>    -depth true -ident Box2 -overlay true"
> Apparently, the TCL/TK application can't locate the openGL 
> facility, anywhere. Another application, the CFD visualization
> software FIELDVIEW, does not work when openGL graphics
> are specified specified, but works fine when X-based graphics are
> specified.
> Has anyone experienced anything like this recently, and/or
> can they assist in finding this problem?  I've attached the
> cygcheck output, and I've tried re-installing the openGL 
> libary, with no success.  I'm contemplating simply 
> reinstalling all of cygwin-xfree, if worse comes to worse. 
> Thanx in advance for any help. The cygcheck output is 
> attached.
> Gene

I'm sending this message in two parts because the cygcheck
outputs exceed the server's limit on size for a single message.

As this message indicates, it seems that at one point, openGL
did seem to work properly with openGL .  To demonstrate that,
I restored an earlier version of cygwin I had backed up with
which I successfully ran, remotely, a TCL/TK application
that employs openGL.  I have attached cygcheck files from
the cygwin setups where openGL functions properly; the
cygcheck output where openGL fails (openGL_malfunctions.txt)
is in the following message.  Interestingly, both setups use
the same version of openGL (version 1.1.0-7), but there
are differences elsewhere in the build.  Can anyone infer
from these data the reason why TCL/TK bombs with the
more recent cygwin build?

Thanx in advance for your help.

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