openGL problem in cygwin-xfree?

Gene C. Ruzicka
Sat Jan 1 09:30:00 GMT 2005

This message further illustrates the problem of openGL working
and then not working with remote TCL/TK applications in different
cygwin builds. To demonstrate the problem,
I restored an earlier version of cygwin I had backed up with
which I successfully ran, remotely, a TCL/TK application
that employs openGL.  I have attached cygcheck files from
the cygwin setups where openGL functions properly; the
cygcheck output where openGL fails (openGL_malfunctions.txt)
is in the following message.  Interestingly, both setups use
the same version of openGL (version 1.1.0-7), but there
are differences elsewhere in the build.  Can anyone infer
from these data the reason why TCL/TK bombs with the
more recent cygwin build?

Thanx in advance for your help.

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