Corrupted overlapping pull-down menus

Alexander Gottwald
Sat Mar 12 14:10:00 GMT 2005

Timur Tabi wrote:

> When I click on an item in the menu bar, the menu displays fine.
> However, when I move the mouse over another menu item, it draws the new
> menu overlapping the previous one.  In other words, it doesn't
> completely erase the previous menu.
> I do know that Slickedit is not like most other X apps, in that it
> manually draws all the menus, rather than using some high-level
> functions of X.  I'm not an X programmer, so I'm not sure exactly what
> that means, but Slickedit is very portable, and so they've developed
> their own GUI library.
> I don't know exactly what version of Cygwin I'm using (how can I tell?),
> but I downloaded and installed it last week, so I guess it's the most
> recent.  I'm running it on Windows XP.

Does it happen in windowed mode too? (ommiting the -multiwindow option from
the XWin commandline)

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