The right user information

VEGH, Janos
Fri Apr 7 07:27:00 GMT 2006


I am trying to use your Win32 X server.
The first step was perfect, I accepted all the default settings,
I proceeded as shown in the step-by step tutorial.

I successfully installed it, I have the bash (DOS) box.
Even I can make a limited use of it, like

Veghj@Veghj_laptop ~
$ ls /
bin  cygdrive  cygwin.bat  cygwin.ico  etc  home  lib  proc  tmp  usr 

I cannot go much further, however.
In page
I see
Cygwin/X settings are configured primarily through command-line
parameters passed to XWin.exe. Cygwin/X comes with a file called
startxwin.bat that launches an X Server, a terminal, and a window

The only batch file I see is

In page
I see


startxwin.bat - Use a MS-DOS batch file as the startup script. An
example startxwin.bat is included in X-startup-scripts, which is
extracted according to the instructions in the Section called Installing
Cygwin/X in Chapter 2. Run /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat by
double-clicking it in Windows Explorer. - Use an sh shell script as the startup script. An example is included in X-startup-scripts, which is extracted
according to the instructions in the Section called Installing Cygwin/X
in Chapter 2. Run /usr/X11R6/bin/ in a Cygwin shell:

However, there is no such .bat and no such .sh
Another method here is

startx - Use the standard X Window System startx script with its
attendant ~/.xinitrc configuration file. First you need to create
~/.xinitrc from the template in /etc/X11/xinit/:

Username@CygwinHost ~
$ cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc

However, in my system

Veghj@Veghj_laptop /etc
$ ls
DIR_COLORS    defaults  networks     preremove  protocols  skel
alternatives  group     passwd       profile    services   termcap
bash.bashrc   hosts     postinstall  profile.d  setup

i.e. even I do not have /etc/X11
Also, commands like xterm, ssh do not work.

What do I wrong or where can I find the right manual?

Please cc me, because I am not (yet) a list member.
Thanks for any info in advance


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