The right user information

Alexander J. Herrmann
Fri Apr 7 07:51:00 GMT 2006

VEGH, Janos wrote:

>I am trying to use your Win32 X server.
>The first step was perfect, I accepted all the default settings,
>I proceeded as shown in the step-by step tutorial.
>I successfully installed it, I have the bash (DOS) box.
>Even I can make a limited use of it, like
>Veghj@Veghj_laptop ~
>$ ls /
>bin  cygdrive  cygwin.bat  cygwin.ico  etc  home  lib  proc  tmp  usr 
>I cannot go much further, however.
>In page 
>I see
>Cygwin/X settings are configured primarily through command-line
>parameters passed to XWin.exe. Cygwin/X comes with a file called
>startxwin.bat that launches an X Server, a terminal, and a window
>The only batch file I see is
>In page
>I see
>startxwin.bat - Use a MS-DOS batch file as the startup script. An
>example startxwin.bat is included in X-startup-scripts, which is
>extracted according to the instructions in the Section called Installing
>Cygwin/X in Chapter 2. Run /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat by
>double-clicking it in Windows Explorer.
> - Use an sh shell script as the startup script. An example
> is included in X-startup-scripts, which is extracted
>according to the instructions in the Section called Installing Cygwin/X
>in Chapter 2. Run /usr/X11R6/bin/ in a Cygwin shell:
>However, there is no such .bat and no such .sh
>Another method here is
>startx - Use the standard X Window System startx script with its
>attendant ~/.xinitrc configuration file. First you need to create
>~/.xinitrc from the template in /etc/X11/xinit/:
>Username@CygwinHost ~
>$ cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
>However, in my system
>Veghj@Veghj_laptop /etc
>$ ls
>DIR_COLORS    defaults  networks     preremove  protocols  skel
>alternatives  group     passwd       profile    services   termcap
>bash.bashrc   hosts     postinstall  profile.d  setup
>i.e. even I do not have /etc/X11
>Also, commands like xterm, ssh do not work.
>What do I wrong or where can I find the right manual?
>Please cc me, because I am not (yet) a list member.
>Thanks for any info in advance
Did you really install all the needed and not abort the installation. 
You should also have a /usr/X11R6 with a lot of stuff in it like and  
xterm itself is /bin/xterm
which xyz
and the program or script xyz will be found when its in your path.

And God said"Let there be light."But then the program crashed because he was trying to access the 'light' property of a NULL universe pointer.

Alexander J. Herrmann

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