rxvt-20050409-4 compilation issues

Jason Curl j.m.curl@optusnet.com.au
Thu Dec 21 15:59:00 GMT 2006

Hello all,

I'm having compilation issues with RXVT-20050409-4, after following 
instructions in the "/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-20050409.README" file.

In particular I'm doing:
   cygport ./rxvt-20050409-X.cygport all

and it appears to fail because the "xpm.h" libraries don't exist. I 
checked the "W11" directory, and sure enough it isn't there.

My second attempt was to modify "rxvt-20050409-4.cygport" to disable XPM 
as part of the configure stage. Now it compiles and works.


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