xterm does not find cygX11-6.dll

Santiago Serebrinsky serebrin@caltech.edu
Sun Jun 18 23:03:00 GMT 2006

Hi all,

I performed an upgrade to cygwin while inadvertently having an xterm 
open. After that, when launching xterm I get the following message in a 
dialog window:

This application has failed to start because cygX11-6.dll was not found. 
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I have googled the message, and I found some links that pointed to the 
presence of the adequate directory in the path, and to the 
re-installation of a couple of packages. The links that I found, with 
the suggestions they give, the actions that I took, and the outcome 
(none fixing the problem) are listed below.

I do not know how to get the cygwin or x version. From the file 
cygcheck.out (see below and the attachment), I guess that they are

xorg ->
cygwin -> 1.5.9-4
xterm -> 202-1
http://cygwin.com/problems.html  suggests:

$ cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out

A text terminal works fine. There, I have executed the command above. 
The output file is attached. In addition, there was the following output 
line on the screen (I guess it went to stderr)

cygcheck: dump_sysinfo: GetVolumeInformation() for drive F: failed: 2

http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html   and

"8.7. cygX11-6.dll not found after installation or upgrade
Reinstall the xorg-x11-bin-dlls package. Make sure not to reinstall any 
XFree-* packages.
Check if /usr/X11R6/bin/cygX11-6.dll does exist.
Check if $PATH contains /usr/X11R6/bin. "

I have reinstalled xorg-x11-bin-dlls. I did not reinstall any XFree 
package. Actually,

$ grep -i xfree cygcheck.out
XFree86-lib-compat      4.3.0-2

The file  C:/cygwin/usr/X11R6/bin/cygX11-6.dll  exists

 From the contents of   C:\cygwin\etc\profile.d\00xorg-x11-base.sh  (see 
attachment) I guess that the path should contain  /usr/X11R6/bin
I actually do not know how to check this, since I can't open a graphic 
terminal. In a text terminal,

$ printenv.exe $PATH

gives no output (no PATH set).

http://geni.ath.cx/wiki_grass.html  suggests:

# Run startxwin.bat.
# Go to c:\cygwin in IE.
# Run cygwin.bat. Now you have a cygwin shell.
# Type "DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 xterm&<ENTER>" in the cygwin shell. xterm 
should start.

This did not work either

I have reinstalled


and it did not work

Any clue? Perhaps trying to execute other programs, or having access to 
the path set after executing the x scripts, may give a better idea.



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