Windows HWND and X Clients in multiwindow mode

Alan James Caruana
Thu Feb 1 16:20:00 GMT 2007

My apologies,

I was checking the value of the HWND in the window privates too early.
I was checking it before the server calls the MapWindow() function,
which is the function which calls some other functions that in the end
call the actual CreateWindowEx() of MS Windows.  The CreateWindow()
function of Xlib (and all the functions that it calls) do not create
the HWND, so here I answered my own question. Thanks anyway.

AJ Caruana

On 2/1/07, Alan James Caruana <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to write a program, that when running the X Server in
> multi-window mode keeps track of the association between the HWND
> value that MSWindows assigns to each window that is created, and the X
> Client that owns that window.
> Finding X Client that owns an X Window is quite simple, but I couldn't
> manage to then go a step further and find anything that binds the X
> Window to the MS Window.
> I tried using the devPrivates of the _Window struct, by using the
> winGetWindowPriv() macro.  This gives a winPrivWinPtr variable,
> pointing to a struct which has, as one of its elements, an HWND
> variable.  I thought it should provide the link, but in actual fact it
> did not as the HWND element was always 0 (zero). I also tried
> modifying the code of the X Server and recompiled it to see if it
> works there,  but the same thing happened.
> So now I ask, what is it that I am missing out? I am sure it can be
> done, as the X Server must be doing it somewhere, but where? and how?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> AJ Caruana

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