FW: How to create an icon to startx with no extra CMD.EXE window

Siegfried Heintze (Aditi) a-siehei@microsoft.com
Wed Apr 9 17:33:00 GMT 2008

>I use:
>E:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c -l 'run bash -c -l "CYGWIN=server Xwin.exe :0 -query -from -once  -dpi 120 &" '

>If you don't have cygserver running you should delete CYGWIN=server, if you don't need larger fonts delete -dpi 120

Very interesting. Could you kindly point me to the documentation? I removed the -query and the -from and the "Cygwin=server" and it was not working correctly. Since I'm running DHCP, I was not sure what to put for those IP addresses you are using.


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