Background processes with Cygwin

Jeff Irwin
Fri Apr 3 18:48:00 GMT 2009

I have been beating my head on a wall for two weeks and have googled til my fingers bled.  I am running windows server 2003 with cygwin.  I am attempting to get a bash script to continue to run in cygwin even after I have logged out.  I have tried several different tactics.  The most recent and closest to success has been using the “nohup” command.  I am opening a cygwin bash window and typing the following:
$ nohup mycommand.bash & 
The script runs in the background but the bash window stays open.  When I log out or try to close the window I executed nohup from, I get the following error……
$  3 [main] ?  child_copy: cygheap read copy failed, 0x611688E0..0x611706D0m dibe 0, windows pid 0, Win32 error 5
1876 [main] bash 5072 child_copy: dll data read copy failed, 0x61102000..0x61106BA0, done 0, windows pid 5072, Win32 error 5
The window will stay up for a few minutes and then go away and the script that was running is now dead.  
I am not an expert by any means so any help regardless of elementary is appreciated.  I know I am not the first squirrel to try to crack this nut so I figured I would toss this out in hopes some “big brain” would take notice and pity.
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