Problem with new xinit - console window doesn't open (but bash starts)

Jim Reisert AD1C
Fri Nov 20 03:58:00 GMT 2009

I'm running the latest of everything Cygwin 1.7 (see below).

When I start the Xwin server from the Windows shortcut:

   D:\Cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/startxwin.bat

I see a bash.exe process running, but no X window comes up, as per:

REM Make sure XWin is ready to accept connections before proceeding
%RUN% checkX -wait -d %DISPLAY% -t 12

REM Startup an xterm, using bash as the shell.
%RUN% xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l

Anyone else notice this?

The problem is the same on my laptop at work running WinXP, as well as 
my home system running Windows 7

- Jim

# cygcheck -c | egrep "cyg|x"

cygrunsrv            1.34-1              OK
cygutils             1.4.0-1             OK
cygwin               1.7.0-65            OK
cygwin-doc           1.5-1               OK
expat                2.0.1-1             OK
gettext              0.17-11             OK
libexpat1            2.0.1-1             OK
libexpat1-devel      2.0.1-1             OK
libpixman1_0         0.16.2-1            OK
libxcb1              1.4-2               OK
libXext6             1.1.1-1             OK
libxkbfile1          1.0.6-1             OK
libxml2              2.7.4-1             OK
lynx                 2.8.5-4             OK
texinfo              4.13-3              OK
util-linux           2.14.1-1            OK
xauth                1.0.4-1             OK
xcursor-themes       1.0.2-1             OK
xemacs-emacs-common  21.4.22-1           OK
xinit                1.2.0-1             OK
xkbcomp              1.1.1-1             OK
xkeyboard-config     1.7-1               OK
xmodmap              1.0.4-1             OK
xorg-server          1.7.1-3             OK
xrdb                 1.0.6-1             OK
xterm                250-1               OK

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,

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