Cygwin/X server -query fails with recent versions of Gnome GDM

Richard Evans
Wed Sep 30 09:35:00 GMT 2009

Cygwin 1.7beta, cygcheck output attached.

I am trying to start a remote session using:

XWin -query host

where the host is running GDM from Gnome 2.28.  The connect fails.   A
wireshark network snoop (attached) shows that GDM is sending
X_ChangeHosts requests with an address family of 5 (ServerInterpreted)
and a address like


XWin responds with a BadValue error and the connection attempt fails.  I
speculate that XWin was compiled without support for the
ServerInterpreted address family.

I cannot find a workround for this.

For reference, here is a code snippet from GDM:

                XHostAddress host_entries[2] = {
                        { FamilyServerInterpreted },
                        { FamilyServerInterpreted }
                XServerInterpretedAddress si_entries[2];

                g_debug ("GdmSlave: Connected to display %s",
                ret = TRUE;

                /* Give programs run by the slave and greeter access to
the display
                 * independent of current hostname
                si_entries[0].type = "localuser";
                si_entries[0].typelength = strlen ("localuser");
                si_entries[1].type = "localuser";
                si_entries[1].typelength = strlen ("localuser");

                si_entries[0].value = "root";
                si_entries[0].valuelength = strlen ("root");
                si_entries[1].value = GDM_USERNAME;
                si_entries[1].valuelength = strlen (GDM_USERNAME);

                host_entries[0].address = (char *) &si_entries[0];
                host_entries[0].length = sizeof
                host_entries[1].address = (char *) &si_entries[1];
                host_entries[1].length = sizeof

                XAddHosts (slave->priv->server_display, host_entries,
                           G_N_ELEMENTS (host_entries));

Richard Evans
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