XTerm metaSendsEscape not working

Thomas Dickey dickey@his.com
Thu Nov 10 02:09:00 GMT 2011

On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Jesse Ziser wrote:

> Hello,
> I find that adding the following:
> XTerm*vt100.metaSendsEscape: true
> XTerm*vt100.altSendsEscape: true
> XTerm*vt100.eightBitInput: false
> to my .Xdefaults does not seem to change the way XTerm behaves WRT meta-key 
> handling.  It still sends 0xF7 for meta-W, for example (or the UTF-8 
> equivalent, depending on how I set LANG in the environment).
> I've also tried this:
> XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
> XTerm*altSendsEscape: true
> XTerm*eightBitInput: false
> to no avail.  However, adding lines like the following:
> Meta <Key>W: string(0x1b) string("w") \n

well, there's more than one aspect to the problem.  xterm is looking for 
whatever is used for the modifier which corresponds to the meta key. But X 
doesn't have that as a standard modifier.  So xterm looks at the modifiers 
and determines which one it is.  It might be the same as an Alt-key, and 
it might not.  So there's altSendsEscape as a workaround for that case.

On the other hand, if there are translations using the key that xterm 
finds to be the "meta" key, then xterm refrains from using it as a 
modifier, unless (for example) the alwaysUseMods resource is set to true.

Thomas E. Dickey

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