xwin.exe 1.11.4-1 segmentation fault on startup (-wgl -multiwindow)

Christian Tuma cht74@yahoo.de
Wed Feb 1 16:26:00 GMT 2012

Dear Jon,

Thank you for your quick response and the fix. Now XWin starts without crashing. Attached please see the new log-file.

> You don't appear to be using a graphics card driver with OpenGL acceleration
> though, I'd be interested to which one?

Good point. My system is a Lenovo ThinkPad W520 - it contains two different graphics systems:

1) integrated Intel HD Graphics system (driver

2) Nvidia Quadro 1000M (latest driver version 285.62 supporting all core features of OpenGL 4.2)

XWin seems to "run" (or to "detect" or to "talk to") with the integrated Intel HD graphics system ("GDI generic") and not with the Nvidia Quadro 1000M. How can I change this behaviour? When starting an application within Windows 7 I can usually choose in the context menu which of the two graphics processors to use. How do I do this from within Cygwin?

Thank you.

- Christian
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