Missing X11 Libraries

Dan Piraner danny.goalie.91@gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 04:46:00 GMT 2013

Dear all,

I am a new Cygwin user trying to utilize the environment for running
AmberTools 13 from AmberMD.org. I followed their instructions for
configuring the installation and upon running the configure script, I
got a message saying that my XHOME directory could not be determined.
Upon some online investigation I learned that Xhome is supposed to be
the directory containing "lib/libXt.a", and that this directory is
searched for in /usr/X11R6/lib. However, my /usr/X11R6 directory does
not contain a "lib" subdirectory; it only contains "bin" and "share".

I'm pretty sure that I have all required components installed;
setup.exe shows almost everything in the X11 section set to "keep". In
particular, the AMBER installation guide calls for the following X11
packages, all of which are set to "keep":


Could someone please advise me as to how to obtain the X11R6/lib
directory and its associated contents?

Thank you,


P.S. I tried to paste my CygCheck.out contents here but the email
bounced with a message saying it exceeded the maximum size. Please let
me know if there are any particular subsections that I should send.

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