Spurious pastes

David Mathog mathog@caltech.edu
Fri Feb 2 21:13:00 GMT 2018


I do most of my work on remote CentOS machines from a Windows box using 
a putty ssh tunnel and Cygwin X Server (1.14.1-1).

In the last few days nedit on those remote machines has been doing 
spurious pastes. That is, whatever is currently in the X11 paste buffer 
(not the program's paste buffer) is ending up dropped into whatever file 
is being edited.  Unclear why they are landing where they do, I have not 
actually seen it happen, just found it when diff indicated these odd 
insertions.  My best guess is that these happen while I am scrolling 
over these regions.  Needless to say, this is really not a good thing.

There have been only two changes recently.

1.  I cleaned my mouse.
2.  yum on 1/27/18 automatically installed on those servers:

To eliminate (1) the mouse was swapped with another one.  Too soon to 
know if that did anything.

Part, maybe the whole issue, seems to be a change in how the X11 paste 
buffer is working.

I seem to recall that before this if I highlighted a region in an xterm 
window, then moved to another X11 application window, and center 
clicked, it would paste the highlighted text.  However, if nothing was 
highlighted in the last window, nothing would paste.  My memory may be 
faulty on this issue though, as I never paid a lot of attention to it 
before it started misbehaving.

Now the paste buffer seems to remember forever the last thing that was 
loaded into it.  This is the X11 paste buffer, not the one in nedit.  
The latter can be cleared by clicking once in any document and doing 
copy.  However, that does not clear the X11 paste buffer, just the 

In order to minimize these spurious X11 window into nedit pastes I would 
like to be able to clear the X11 paste buffer.  How would one do so?  I 
mean, other than shutting down and restarting the X11 server!


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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