Spurious pastes

David Mathog mathog@caltech.edu
Fri Feb 2 22:26:00 GMT 2018

On 02-Feb-2018 13:13, David Mathog wrote:
> I seem to recall that before this if I highlighted a region in an
> xterm window, then moved to another X11 application window, and center
> clicked, it would paste the highlighted text.  However, if nothing was
> highlighted in the last window, nothing would paste.  My memory may be
> faulty on this issue though, as I never paid a lot of attention to it
> before it started misbehaving.

That wasn't right, but cut/paste is slightly different between "on the 
console" and "over putty ssh tunnel with X11 Server on Windows".

On an XFCE4 ubuntu system console this is what happens:

1.  type "pwd<enter>" into an uxterm window
2.  highlight "pwd" on the line at the preceding prompt, center
     click once at the current prompt.  "pwd" is pasted.
     Press "enter".
3.  left click once on the still highlighted "pwd", now 2 lines up.
     The highlight goes away.  Center click once at the prompt.
     "pwd" is still pasted. Press "enter".
4.  With the left mouse button drag across any letter and back
     to the original position.  So nothing is highlighted.  This can
     be on any text anywhere in the window.  Center click
     at the prompt.  Nothing is pasted - the paste buffer is now

So on the console it is possible to select "nothing".

On the X11 server ssh to the Ubuntu system and it is the same for the 
first 3 steps, but the 4th still pastes "pwd".  The rule seems to be 
"paste buffer can be replaced by anything selected, but not by a select 
operation which ends with nothing highlighted."

On the X11 server ssh to the Centos system, it behaves just like a 
similar connection to the Centos system.

The operations do the same thing when going between two uxterm windows 
on any of these tests.

Which is right?  Is "nothing" a valid thing to load into the paste 
buffer or no?

Is there a standard way to clear this buffer?


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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