can not start 'startx' from the prompt and missing files

Andrew Markebo
Tue Apr 22 19:04:00 GMT 2003

| Question 1:
| I am trying to find out why command 'startx' at the prompt gives me an
| error message and won't start the xwindow.  Cygwin1.dll is installed
| only in C:\cygwin\bin.  Below is the error message on the screen.
|>$ startx

You should use "startxwin.bat" or "", depending on from
where you start.. 


| Question 2:
| My .xinitrc file in my home directory says this.  My question
| is... shouldn't I have the .Xresources and .Xmodmap files in the
| /usr/X11R6/X11/xinit directory also?  I checked and I don't have that
| directory at all.

Who made your .xinitrc file? Normally it is you, the user who does it
if my memory doesn't fail me, or your sysadm, so this is a small
difference in how installations handles this if my memory doesn't fail


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